Friday, January 11, 2019

Wisdom (Hikmat) - The lost property of a Muslim

The scientific knowledge is called “Wisdom” (Hikmat). Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ said, “Wisdom is the lost property of a Muslim. He should pick it up wherever he may find it.” This hadîth commands us to learn scientific knowledge.

Our Prophet’s (sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam) utterances praising and encouraging knowledge are so plentiful and so well known that even non-Muslims know of them. For example, while describing the virtues of knowledge, the books Ihya al-’ulûm and Mawdû’ât al-’ulûm quote the Hadîth ash-sherîf: “Go and get knowledge even if it is in China,” which means: “Go and learn even if knowledge is in the farthest place in the world and even if it is possessed by disbelievers! Another Hadith ash-sherîf declares: “Work and learn from the cradle to the grave!” That is, even an old man of eighty who has one foot in the grave has to work. His learning is an act of worship. Another Hadîth ash- sherîf declares: Work for the next world as if you were to die tomorrow, and work for this world as if you were never going to die.” And another Hadîth ash-sherîf: “Little worship done with understanding is better than much worship done with ignorance.” And yet another Hadîth ash-sherîf states: “Satan fears a savant more than he does a thousand devoted worshippers who are uneducated.”

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