Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Everyone shall die when their time of death comes!

Everyone shall die when their time of death comes. The thirty-third âyat-i-kerîma of A’râf Sûra purports: “... when their term is reached, not a little can they cause delay, nor (a little time) can they advance (it in anticipation).”

Before a person is born, it has been foreordained how long they shall live. And it all has been written in the Lawh-i-mahfûz: where that person shall die, whether they shall die having made tawba or
without having made tawba, what illness they shall die from (if any), whether they shall die with îmân or without îmân. In fact, this fact is pointed out in the final âyat of Loqmân Sûra.
Khallâq-i-’âlam created death. Thereafter He created life.Thereafter He created our rizq and wrote it in the Lawh-il-mahfûz.
Haqq ta’âlâ knows the number of the breaths you are to take. And He wrote it in the Lawh-il-mahfûz. Angels watch over it, and when the time comes they let the Melek-ul-mewt (Angel of death) know.
If you have spent your life believing the facts stated in theQur’ân al-kerîm and practising the commandments declared therein, you will go (to the next world) as a happy person! Deem everything from Allâhu ta’âlâ! Do not cry out behind a person who has passed! Things of this sort cause a person to die without îmân. We take refuge in Allâhu ta’âlâ. Should we commit a sin or a fault, we should make tawba-i-nasûh.
Haqq subhânallâhu wa ta’âlâ orders Azrâîl ‘’alaihis-salâm’(Angel of death): “Take away My friends’ souls with ease, and My foes’ souls harshly!” Al-ayâz-u-billah, if one should be disobedient!
One day in the Hereafter is as long as one thousand or fifty thousand years. There are various explanations concerning this matter. This fact is understood from the fifth âyat-i-kerîma ofSajda Sûra and from the fourth âyat-i-kerîma of Me’ârij Sûra.

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