Saturday, January 12, 2019

When any person says "I", they mean "Their Nafs" !

Man’s nafs-i-ammâra refuses to have îmân (belief) and to adapt itself to the sûrat of Islam. This refusal is inherent in its creation. Therefore the îmân (belief) of people who have adapted themselves to the sûrat (outward appearance) of Islam is the sûrat (outward appearance) of îmân. In other words, it is îmân in appearance. The acts of worship that they perform, such as namâz, fasting, and all the others, are the sûrats of the (true) acts of worship. That is, they are worship in appearance. For, when the word ‘man’ is used ‘man’s nafs’ is meant. When any person says, “I,” they mean ‘their nafs’. As a person performs an act of worship, their nafs is in a state of kufr (denial of Islam). Their nafs denies the fact that what they have doing is a proper act. Can such a person have true and proper îmân and perform their acts of worship properly? Allâhu ta’âlâ, being so merciful and compassionate, kindly accepts the sûrats, appearances of îmân and worship as if they were true îmân and proper worship. He promises and gives the glad tidings that He will put such slaves of His into Paradise. Allâhu ta’âlâ loves Paradise and His slaves who are in Paradise. He is pleased with them. Because Allâhu ta’âlâ has endless kindness, He has accepted only the heart’s confirmation and belief as îmân. He has not enjoined that the nafs also should understand and have îmân. Be that as it may, Paradise also has an outer appearance as well as a haqîqat (true inner essence). Those who have attained only the sûrat of Islam in the world will attain and enjoy only the sûrat of Paradise in the Hereafter. People who have attained the haqîqat of Islam in the world will also attain the haqîqat of Paradise in the Hereafter.
People who attain only the sûrat and (those who attain) only the haqîqat of Paradise will be relishing different flavors although they will be eating the same fruit in its Garden.
A Muslim who progresses in one of those paths is called a sâlik. The sâlik’s nafs slowly frees itself from being a nafs-i-ammâra and attains itmi’nân and ease. Its state of excessive rebelliousness evanesces. It should be known well that a sâlik who endeavors to attain the Wilâyat-i-khâssa has to be in a constant state of obedience to the sûrat of Islam. The Dhikr-iilâhî, the most important duty throughout the progress in Tasawwuf, is one of Islam’s commandments. Also necessary during the course is to avoid Islam’s prohibitions. Performing the (acts of worship that are) farz will facilitate the sâlik’s progress. Islam commands to look for a guide, a scholar who knows Tasawwuf well, so that he will lead the sâlik by the hand. For, it is declared in Mâida Sûra: “Look for a means for attaining Him!”
Paragraphs taken from 2nd volume / 15th letter "Mektubat" - Imam Rabbani 'rahmetullahi aleih'
Read the whole letter @:
Page 311

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