Sunday, January 13, 2019

Imam Rabbani / Maktubat - "Fondness for the world" - (1st volume, 197th letter)

May Allâhu ta’âlâ keep you in the right way! The best person is the one whose heart is not attached to the world and palpitates with love of Allah. 

Fondness for the world is the head of all sins. And cleansing yourself from fondness for the world is the head of worship. For, Allâhu ta’âlâ resents fondness for the world. He has never liked it since the day He created it. The world and people who are fond of the world are accursed and are far from the mercy of Allâhu ta’âlâ. A hadîth-i-sherîf reads: “The world is accursed, and so is anything in the world and which is not done for the grace of Allah.” [Please read the last seven paragraphs of the eleventh chapter of the first fascicle of Endless Bliss!] For, people who remember Allâhu ta’âlâ make dhikr of Allâhu ta’âlâ, and so do all the motes of their bodies. For that matter, people who make dhikr of Allâhu ta’âlâ, [i.e. those who remember His Name and His Attributes in their hearts,] are not accursed. They are not called worldly people. For, the meaning of ‘world’ consists of things that make your heart unaware of Allâhu ta’âlâ, which make you forget Him, and which bring things other than Allah into your heart. Such things as property, causes, positions and honours are defined as ‘world’ inasmuch as they make you forget Allâhu ta’âlâ. That it is the case is shown clearly by the twenty-ninth âyat-i-kerîma of Wa-n-Najm Sûra, which purports: “Therefore turn away from those who do not think of Us and turn away from Our Message (and desire nothing but the life of this world). Do not love them!” So, this world is man’s mortal enemy. People who are fond of this world never pull themselves together or come to their senses. And in the Hereafter they will feel deep remorse and will encounter bitter pains.
Ceasing from the world means the heart’s resenting it, not being fond of it and not attaching any value to it. And not being fond of it means its making no difference whether or not it exists.
Book 'O SON' / p 343

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