Thursday, January 10, 2019

Morning prayer

If a person recites the Sûra “Innâ a’taynâ...,” before going tobed and then entreats, “Yâ Rabbî (O my Allah)! Please wake me up in time for morning prayer tomorrow,” Bi-iznillâhi ta’âlâ, that person will wake up in time for morning prayer.
It is stated in a hadîthi-sherîf that a person who says the following prayer ten times after morning prayer will be given much thawâb: “Lâ ilâha il-l-Allahwahdahu lâ sherîka leh lehul-mulku wa lehul-hamdu yuhyî wa yumît wa huwa ’alâ kulli shey’in qadîr.”
(Imdâd) [Abul-Ikhlâs Hasan bin Ammâr Shernblâlî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’, (994-1069 [1658 A.D.], Egypt,) wrote a book entitled Nûr-ul-îdhâh, and another book, entitled ‘Marâqilfalâh’, which was a commentary to the former, and which is also known with the title Imdâd-(ul-Fattâh).].

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