Thursday, January 31, 2019

The "walking tree" - MIracles of Muhammad 'sallallahu alaihi wa salam'

One day, when some people asked him to show them a miracle, he called to a tree in the distance, asking it to come before him. The tree uprooted itself, moved towards him, with its roots dragging behind, came before him, greeted him, (i.e., said “Assalâmu ’alaikum,”) and said, “Esh-hadu an lâ ilâha il-l-Allah, wa esh-hadu anna Muhammadan ’abduhu wa Rasûluh”, (which means, “I believe in and testify to that Allâhu ta’âlâ exists and He is One. And again, I believe in and testify to that Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ is His born slave and His Messenger.”) Then it moved back to its place and resumed its stand.

With respect to time, the miracles of Muhammad ‘alaihissalâm’ fall into three categories:
* In the first category are those miracles that took place in the period beginning with the creation of his blessed soul and ending with his Bi’that, (which is the time when Allâhu ta’âlâ appointed him His Messenger, which He notified to him through His angel Jebrâîl ‘alaihis-salâm’).
* The second category consists of those which took place within the time from the Bi’that to his transposition to the Hereafter.
* Into the third category fall his miracles that have happened since his passing away, as well as those which will take place till the end of the world.
Miracles in the first category are called Irhâs, i.e. the beginners.
Each category is divided into two classes: Miracles that were seen; and those which are inferred mentally. All these miracles are so many that it has never been possible to tally them. Miracles in the second category are estimated to be around three thousand.

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