Sunday, January 6, 2019


Hadrat Haqq ta’âlâ stated: “Yâ Mûsâ! If a person knows that the blessing that I have given them is from Me and that it is not something that they have earned on their own, then they will have shown gratitude for My blessings. If a slave of Mine looks on their means of living as something they have earned instead of knowing that they are My blessings, they have not shown gratitude for the blessing.” What becomes human beings is a continuous consciousness of the fact that their rizq (sustenance, living) is from Allâhu ta’âlâ. This consciousness means to make hamd. And, in return for the blessings, they should make shukr and tesbîh and tahmîd day and night. When Mûsâ ‘’alaihis-salâm’ heard these words, he said: “Yâ Rabbî! All Your Words are the truth.”

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