Saturday, December 15, 2018

Islam and homosexuality ?! Islams teachings and resembling the opposite sex ?! Short and clear answers !!

What does our religion say about homosexuals? ... And how about those who resemble the opposite sex in their manners, clothing, lifestyle and attitude?

● Sodomy is harâm in every religion.
⚠ Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “If you catch people committing sodomy like the people of Lût (Lot) in the act, kill both partners!” According to some Islamic scholars, both the active homosexual and the passive one must be burned in fire.
(* Our blessed Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: ‘A woman who conceals the beginning or the end of her haid from her husband is an accursed one.’ Anal intercourse with a woman is harâm and gravely sinful, during haid or otherwise alike. It is called liwâta (pederasty).” A person who commits this act with his wife is an accursed one. An act even more gravely sinful is sodomy, i.e. to commit pederasty with a boy. People who practise sodomy will catch mortal illnesses such as canine tumor (hidranitis suppurativa) and AIDS. Sodomy is called a khabîth (abominable) act in Enbiyâ (or Anbiyâ) Sûra. )
● It is a grave sin (GHUNÂH-I-KEBÂIR) for women to wear men’s clothes.
● It is a grave sin (GHUNÂH-I-KEBÂIR) for men to wear women’s dresses.
● Umm-i-Salama ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anhâ’ narrates: Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ was with me (in my room). My brother ’Abdullah bin Abî Umayya’s slave was in the room, too. That slave was muhanneth (effeminate). When Rasûlullah ‘sallAllâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ saw that muhanneth person and heard his voice he said: “Do not admit people like this one into your house!” This hadîth-i-sherîf is quoted in Sahîh-i-Bukhârî and Sahîh-i-Muslim. Muhanneth is a man (or boy) who behaves, acts, talks, sounds, and dresses like a woman. People who do so are accursed.
● A hadîth-i-sherîf states as follows about them: “May Allah condemn men who make themselves resemble women and women who make themselves resemble men!” Women who wear clothes like men’s and have their hair cut like men and do things that are to be done by men and men who grow their hair long like women and adorn themselves like women, without an ’udhr compelling them to do so, are within the scope of this hadîth-i-sherîf.
● Abû Sa’îd-i-Hudrî ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ (d. 64 [683 A.D.]) narrates: Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “A man should not look at another man’s awrat parts, and a woman should not look at another woman’s awrat parts!” As is seen, it is harâm for men to look at women and for women to look at men’s awrat parts, and likewise it is harâm for men to look at other men’s awrat parts and for women to look at other women’s awrat parts. A man’s awrat parts (which are harâm) for other men (to look at) are between their knees and navels. The same rule applies among women. As for a woman’s awrat parts (that are harâm) for men (to look at); they are her entire body with the exception of her hands and face. Hence, women are called awrat(s).
● There are two kinds of harâm: One of them is harâm li-’aynihî, and the other one is harâm li-ghayrihî. The former is harâm in essence; it is always harâm. Examples of it are: Homicide, fornication, sodomy, consumption of wine or other alcoholic beverages, gambling, eating pork, and women’s and girls’ going out with their heads, arms and legs exposed. If a person says the Basmala-i-sherîfa as he or she commits the aforesaid sins or believes them to be halâl, i.e. if he or she does not attribute importance to the fact that Allâhu ta’âlâ has made them harâm, that person becomes a kâfir. However, if such people commit these sins although they believe that they are harâm acts and therefore fear the torment that Allâhu ta’âlâ will inflict on them, they will not become kâfirs, yet they will deserve torment in Hell.
● One of the fourty (40) things which may cause a person with îmân at the moment to lose their îmân later is: To commit sodomy and not to make tawba thereafter. Sodomy (liwâta) means to insert one’s dheker into another person’s anus. Dheker (penis) is the organ which a man uses for urination. The female organ used for the same purpose is called ferj (vagina).
⚠ The Sultân-i-Enbiyâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “If a person wants to commit a sin and then fears Allâhu ta’âlâ and gives up to commit it, Hadrat Haqq ta’âlâ will give that slave two gardens of Paradise.” Examples of sin are to eat what is harâm; to take interest; [to let one’s wife and daughter(s) go out without properly covering themselves; to watch movie and television programs that mock Muslims and spoil their ethical values;] to look at people who are harâm for one to look at; to commit fornication and/or sodomy; to drink alcoholic beverages; homicide; to attribute a partner to Allâhu ta’âlâ; and suchlike... All these sins are gunâh-i-kebâir (grave sins).

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