Saturday, December 29, 2018

"Until the earth is covered by kufr ... " Doomsday (hadith-i sherifs)

Imâm-i Rabbânî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’, in his 68th letter in the second volume of Maktûbât, quotes a hadîth-i-sherîf which states: “Until the earth is covered by kufr, so that kufr is prevalent and disbelief is practised everywhere, Hadrat-i Mahdî will not come.” Hence; before Hadrat-i Mahdî, kufr and disbelief will cover the entire earth and Muslims and the Islamic religion will be gharîb (forlorn; with no one to help and support them).

Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ informed us that towards the end of the world Muslims will become gharîb, and he said: “Worship done during the time of herj[1] and fitna will be similar to an immigration [from Mekka to Medina] to me.” Everybody knows that minor police or military operations executed during turmoil or commotion are incomparably more valuable than large-scale military manoeuvres conducted during times of peace. Heroism when there is no fitna will have almost no value at all. Thus, the most valuable of all prayers are those performed during times of fitna. If you want to be among people saved on the Day of Rising and be valuable at such a time, do the things which Allâhu ta’âlâ has approved of and the things He likes! Grasp the Sunnat-i seniyya, that is, the path of Muhammad ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’. Do nothing incompatible with this way. Ashab-i Kahf ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’, by immigrating when fitna became widespread, attained a high rank. You are the Ummat (followers) of Muhammad ‘alaihissalâm’, the best Ummat of all. Do not waste your time in lahw and la’b, that is, in games and fun. Do not spend your time kicking a ball, like children!

My son! When fitna is widespread and fasâds are rife, it is time to repent and make istighfâr. You must keep aloof and not participate in fitna. Fitna is growing and spreading each day. Our beloved Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “As the Doomsday approaches, fitna will increase. It will resemble the gathering of dusk as night begins. Many who leave their homes in the morning as Muslims, will return home as disbelievers in the evening. While they are Muslims in the evening, they will lose their faith during the night at places of amusement. During such times, to stay at home is better than being involved in fitna. Those who stay aloof are better than those who attack and lead in front. On that day, break your arrows! Leave your weapons and swords! Address everybody with a smiling face and sweet words! Do not leave your house!” This is the end of the translations from Maktûbât.

My son! When fitna is widespread and fasâds are rife, it is time to repent and make istighfâr. You must keep aloof and not participate in fitna. Fitna is growing and spreading each day.

[1] turmoil, commoton, confusion.

Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle / p.146

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