Friday, December 14, 2018

“Do you know who is called bankrupt?” explanation

One day, when Rasûlullah asked the Sahâba, “Do you know who is called bankrupt?” they said, “A person without any money or property left.”
He stated, “Among my Ummat, a bankrupt is a person whose deed-book contains many thawâbs of namâz, fasting and zakât on the day of last judgment. But he has sworn at a person, slandered him and taken away his property. His thawâbs will be divided and distributed to such right-owners. If his thawâbs are finished before the rights are paid, the sins of the right-owners will be loaded upon him. Then he will be flung down into the fire of Hell.”
[As this hadîth points out, he who speaks ill of or swears at any one of the Sahâba ‘ridwânullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’ will certainly be punished in the next world.]
Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle / p. 118

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