Friday, December 21, 2018

Benefits of USING MISWAK and how to actually use it?

It is sunnat-i muakkada to use a miswâk when performing an ablution. A hadîth-i-sherîf states: (A namâz which is performed after using a miswâk is seventy-fold superior to a namâz without a miswâk.)
It is declared in the book (Sirâj-ul-wahhâj) that using miswâk has fifteen benefits:

1- It causes one to say the kalimat ash-shahâda at one's last breath.

2- It strengthens the gums.
3- It stops phlegm.
4- It reduces stress on the gallbladder. It stops acid from forming in the stomach.
5- It stops toothaches.
6- It stops bad breath.
7- Allahu ta'âlâ will be pleased with that person.
8- It strenghthens the veins in the head.
9- Satan will be saddened.
10- That persons eyes will be bright.
11- He will do many favors and good deeds.
12- He will have acted in accordance with the sunnat.
13- His mouth will be clean.
14- He speaks eloquently.
15- The thawâb of a two rak'at namâz performed after using the miswâk in its ablution is more than a namâz of seventy rak'ats
performed without using the miswâk in its ablution.

The miswâk is derived from a branch of the erâk (peelo) tree growing in Arabia. Shaving it about two centimetres from the straight end, you keep this part in water for a couple of hours. When you press it, it will open like a brush. When the erâk tree cannot be found, a miswâk can be made from an olive branch. Women must use chewing gum when they are not fasting, instead of using a miswak, with the intention of performing the sunnat.

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