Friday, December 28, 2018

Akhlaq is contagious like a disease.

Justice (’adalat), chastity (iffat), bravery (shajâ’at) and wisdom (hikmat), when they are not used with evil intentions are the sources of all virtues. One should associate with pious (sâlih) and good-natured people in order to be a good-natured person or to protect one’s virtues. A person’s akhlâq will be like his companion’s habits. 

Akhlâq is contagious like a disease. One should not make friends with ill-humoured people. It is stated as follows in a hadîth-i-sherîf: “A person’s faith will be like his companion’s.” 

One should shun from useless occupations and games, harmful jokes, and quarrels. One should learn knowledge and do useful deeds. One should not read books that undermine one’s morals or which promotes sex and should not watch television programs or listen to radio programs destructive of moral values or which arouse sexual desires. One should constantly remind oneself of the benefits of virtues and harmful effects of Islam’s prohibitions and the punishment they will incur in Hell. None of the pursuers of wealth and position has attained his wish. However, those who have wanted rank and worldly possessions to do good deeds with them have lived comfortably and happily. Worldly ranks and possessions should not be one’s goals but instead they should be vehicles to do goodness to others.

Worldly ranks and possessions are like an ocean and many people are drowned in that ocean. Fear of Allâhu ta’âlâ is the ship which one needs to survive in that ocean.

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