Friday, December 7, 2018

Hypocrisy ... ?!?

Do not try to divulge a Muslim’s faults, and do not pry into anyone’s private affairs! Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “On the night of Mi’râj I saw some people inflicting sheer, sadistic torture on themselves. I asked Jebrâ’îl ‘’alaihissalâm’: ‘Yâ Jebrâ’îl! What sin did these people commit? Why are they tormenting themselves?’ Jebrâ’îl ‘alaihis-salâm’ said: ‘These are the people who divulged other people’s (private) faults.’ ” Mûsâ (Moses) ‘’alaihis-salâm’ asked Haqq ta’âlâ on the Tûr-iSînâ (Mount Sinai): “Yâ Rabbî! What punishment awaits people who divulge others’ secret faults?” Haqq ta’âlâ declared: “Hell is their destination if they expire without (having made) tawba.”

Imâm Ghâzâlî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaihi bârî’ states that there are three gravest sins. They are: 1– Being bahîl. 2– Jealousy. 3– Hypocrisy.
Bahîl means miserly, close-fisted. You would be bahîl if, say, someone needed you for something and you felt too jealous to teach them what they needed. [The worst close-fisted people are those who do not perform emr-i-ma’rûf and nahy-i-munker to Muslims. They are people who do not teach Islam to them. Or, they are people who teach them wrongly.] Our Prophet ‘’alaihissalâm’ states: “Bahîl people cannot enter Paradise no matter how zâhid they are.” (Zâhid is the adjectival form of zuhd, which in turn means (Islamic) asceticism.)

As for jealousy: Supposing a certain person has something useful, such as an occupation, a house, property, knowledge; it will be jealousy if you wish these benefits to desert him and come to you. [It will not be jealousy to wish these benefits to be yours as well without deserting that person. This wish means envy, apetite, which is not something sinful.]
The Sultân-ul-Enbiyâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “Jealousy will consume your hasenât [good deeds], like fire’s consuming wood.”
Hypocrisy means to perform good deeds such as namâz, fasting, almsgiving, building roads and mosques so that people will see and admire you. All deeds performed with motivations of this sort are within the scope of hypocrisy (riyâ). Hypocrisy is a minor version of shirk (polytheism, attributing a partner to Allâhu ta’âlâ). Unless a tawba is made, it will never be forgiven (by Allâhu ta’âlâ). Not to act compatibly with your knowledge, not to have salâh and ikhlâs in your deeds, and not to attach value to Islamic scholars, to worshippers, to the Azân (Adhân), and to sacred days are signs of shaqâwat.


"O Son" Hakikat kitabevi

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