Sunday, April 7, 2019

To believe in the next world...


 Doomsday certainly exists. That day the heavens, the stars, the earth which we live on, mountains, seas, animals, plants, metals and, in short everything, matter and energy will be annihilated. The skies will break into pieces, the stars will disperse, the earth and mountains will turn into dust and will be blown about. This annihilation will take place with the first signal of the Sûr. With its second blowing everything will be re-created, people will rise from their graves, and will assemble at the place of Mahsher.
Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the Qur’ân al-kerîm, in the Sûrat-ul-Tekwîr: “When the sun, having no light any more, gets dark, and the stars fade away,... .” Another âyat in the Sûrat-ulInshiqaq, declares: “When the skies crack and hear the voice of their Rabb [Allah],” and “The skies positively obey the commands of Allâhu ta’âlâ,” and another âyat in the Sûrat-un Naba declares: “That day the skies will certainly crack.” There are many such âyats.
 In the next world there is questioning on the actions done in the world. There is a pair of scales, in its own nature peculiar to the next world, and a pass which is called Sirât Bridge. The Mukhbir-i Sâdiq ‘’alaihi wa ’alâ âlihissalâtu wassalâm’ has stated these facts. Some ignorant people’s denying them —because they do not know what Prophethood means— does not prove that they are nonexistent. It is null and void to say non-existent about existing things. The rank of Prophethood is above mind. To try to adapt the true statements of Prophets to mind would mean distrust and disbelief in Prophethood. It is necessary, without asking one’s mind, to obey and follow Prophets ‘’alaihimussalawâtu wa-tteslîmât’ in matters pertaining to the next world.
 Paradise and Hell exist. On the Day of Judgment after the settling of accounts, many people will be sent to Paradise, and many others will be put into Hell. The rewards, the blessings of Paradise, and the torment of Hell are eternal, everlasting. These facts are declared clearly in the Qur’ân al-kerîm and in hadîth-i sherîfs.
In the next world there will not be even a mote of mercy upon disbelievers.
Allâhu ta’âlâ intimates this fact in the Qur’ân al-kerîm, and after declaring: “My Mercy covers everything,” He also declares: “My Mercy is upon those who, fearing Me, forbear the forbidden, pay their zakât, and believe My Qur’ân.”
Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the fifty-sixth âyat of Sûrat-ul-A’râf: “My Mercy is upon those with îmân and goodness.” The forty-seventh âyat of Sûra Ibrâhîm: “Do not think Allâhu ta’âlâ may go back on His promise which He has given to Prophets,”
! All the facts, all the commandments which Prophets ‘’alaihimussalawâtu wa-t-teslîmât’ conveyed to us from Allâhu ta’âlâ are true. For unbelievers and for the disobedient ones of those who die with imân there will be torment in the grave.
* The grave being a bridge, a pass between this world and the next, torment in the grave is in one way like worldly torment; it is not eternal. In another way it is like the torment of the next world; it is of the same kind. The forty-sixth âyat of Sûra-t-ul Mu’mîn, “In mornings and evenings they will be tormented with fire,” of the Qur’ân-i kerîm, reports the torment in the grave. Likewise, the blessings in the grave are both like worldly comforts and like those in the Hereafter.

Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle / p.11
1st volume, 266th letter / Maktubat ( Imam Rabbani "qudisse sirruh" )

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