Friday, March 8, 2019

World, body, heart, hereafter ...

Give up what is transient so that you may obtain what is permanent. It would be astonishing if a person with self-consciousness were fond of this world. The wicked will be fond of this world. And the good will hold fast to what is eternal. Be in the world with your body, and enjoy the next world with your heart! 
He who forsakes the desires of the nafs will become clean and will be rescued from disasters. On a person who forsakes what Allâhu ta’âlâ disapproves, Allâhu ta’âlâ will bestow something better. He who knows the world will not lament over its inconveniences. He who understands the world abstains from it. He who abstains from the world knows his nafs. He who knows his nafs finds his Allah. He who serves his Allah is served by the world. 
The world is like a man’s shadow. If you chase it, it will evade you. If you run away from it, it will chase you. The world is a place of troubles for its lovers. It is a place of blessings for those who are not deceived by its flavours. It is a place of profit for worshippers. It is a place of hikmat for those who take warning. It is a place of salvation for those who know it. It is like Paradise when compared with one’s mother’s womb. It is like a rubbish-heap when compared with the Hereafter.

"Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle" / p.116

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