Sunday, February 17, 2019

Embracing the comfort and beauty of the world!

Muslims try to learn, teach and do the things which Allâhu ta’âlâ commands. They search for knowledge even if it is possessed by disbelievers. It has always been so in the course of history; those who could not think of mankind as a superior being have borne hostility against the Islamic religion, have tried to deceive youngsters and, at a time they did not expect at all, they themselves died, leaving their worldly pleasures, which they had been clasping so tightly, and went to Hell. The names of many of them have been forgotten, with no fame, no sign of them having remained behind them, whereas the Islamic sun has continued to spread its light all over the world.

Disbelievers embrace the comfort and beauty of the world which is sweet outwardly but bitter inwardly, sequinned outside but poisonous inside, pleasing in the beginning but unworthy in the end. Muslims should embrace the commandments of the Qur’ân, which is the way of our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, and should ceaselessly struggle to improve in this way. They should beware from bid’ats, which have appeared later in Islam and have been concocted by enemies of the Islam,by Islam’s reformers, and by ignorant, stupid people.

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