Thursday, November 28, 2019


There are many kinds of grave sins, which are called ghunâh-ikebâir. 
Seventy-two of them are as follows: 

  • 1– Unjust homicide. 
  • 2– To commit fornication. 
  • 3– Sodomy is harâm in every religion. 
  • 4– To drink wine or any other sort of alcoholic beverages. 
  • 5– Thieving. 
  • 6– To eat or drink narcotics. 
  • 7– To lay hands on someone else’s property by using force. That is, to commit extortion. 
  • 8– To bear false witness. 
  • 9– Without an ’udhr, to eat before other Muslims during the blessed month of Ramadân. 
  • 10– Ribâ, i.e. to borrow or lend property or money at an interest. 
  • 11– To swear solemnly time and again. 
  • 12– To disobey your parents. 
  • 13– To cease from making sila-i-rahm to mahram relatives who are sâlih Muslims. (Sila-i-rahm means visiting your close relatives.) 
  • 14– In a war, to desert from the battlefield and run away from the enemy. 
  • 15– To utilize an orphan’s property without the orphan’s consent. It is stated as follows towards the end of the two hundred and sixty-sixth page (of the tenth edition) of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss: “The (orphan’s) executor cannot pay the deceased’s debts with the orphan’s property. Nor can he pay the orphan’s fitra or perform the Qurbân for the orphan (out of the orphan’s property). But the (orphan’s) father can. If the executor becomes needy, he can utilize the orphan’s property, but he cannot donate it to someone else.” 
  • 16– Not to use your scales or measures properly. 
  • 17– To perform daily five namâzes before or after their (prescribed) times. 18– To hurt your Believer brother’s heart.
  • 19– To make a false statement under the pretense of giving a quotation from Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ although in fact the statement does not belong to the Prophet. 
  • 20– To take a bribe. 
  • 21– To avoid bearing true witness. 
  • 22– Not to pay zakât or ’ushr for your property. 
  • 23– When you see a person committing a sin, not to try to dissuade him although you could. 
  • 24– To burn an animal alive. 
  • 25– After learning (how to read) the Qur’ân ’adhîm-ush-shân’ to forget how to read it. 
  • 26– To give up hope of mercy of Allâhu ’adhîm-ush-shân. 
  • 27– To betray people’s trust; it makes no difference whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. 
  • 28– To eat pork, which is harâm. 
  • 29– To hate and curse any one of Rasûlullah’s Sahâba ‘ridwânullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’. 
  • 30– To continue eating after being satiated; it is harâm to do so. 
  • 31– For a woman to avoid conjugal act with her husband (without any good reason). 
  • 32– For a woman to go out to visit an acquaintance without her husband’s permission. 
  • 33– To accuse a chaste woman of fornication. 
  • 34– Nemîma, i.e. to practise talebearing among Muslims. 
  • 35– To show one’s awrat parts to others. [A man’s awrat parts are between their navel and their knees. A woman’s hair, arms and legs also are within her awrat parts.] To look at others’ awrat parts. 36– To eat flesh of an (edible) animal that died (of itself). Such flesh is called ‘lesh’. As well, an (edible) animal that has been killed in a way disagreeable with the way dictated by Islam is called ‘lesh’, (and it is no longer edible.) 
  • 37– To commit a breach of trust. 
  • 38– To backbite a Muslim. 
  • 39– To be jealous. 
  • 40– To attribute a partner to Allâhu ’adhîm-ush-shân. (This evil deed is called shirk [polytheism].) 41– To lie.
  • 42– Arrogance, to think of oneself as superior. 
  • 43– For a person in his death bed to disinherit a heir (somehow). 
  • 44– To be avaricious and very miserly. 
  • 45– To be fond of the world, [harâms, that is.] 
  • 46– Not to be afraid of torment to be inflicted by Allâhu ta’âlâ. 
  • 47– If a certain thing is harâm, not to believe that it is harâm. 
  • 48– If a certain thing is halâl, not to believe that it is halâl. 
  • 49– To believe a fortune-teller’s words about people’s fortunes and about the ghayb (unknown, future). 50– To abandon one’s religion, to become a murtadd (renegade). 
  • 51– To look at someone else’s wife or daughter without an ’udhr to do so. 
  • 52– For women to wear men’s clothes. 
  • 53– For men to wear women’s dresses. 
  • 54– To commit sins within the harem-i-sherîf. 
  • 55– To call the azân or to perform namâz before prayer time comes. 
  • 56– To disobey state authorities, to violate laws. 
  • 57– To liken your wife’s mahram parts to your mother’s mahram parts. 
  • 58– To swear at one’s wife’s mother. 
  • 59– To aim a gun to each other. 
  • 60– To eat or drink a dog’s leftovers. 
  • 61– To taunt (someone) about the favours you have done (them). 
  • 62– For men to wear silk clothes. 
  • 63– To persist in remaining ignorant. [To not learn the belief of Ahl as-sunnat, farzes, harâms, and all sorts of necessary learnings.] 
  • 64– To swear on names other than the Name of Allâhu ta’âlâ or by mentioning names other than those which are stated by Islam. 
  • 65– To run away from knowledge. 
  • 66– Not to understand that ignorance is an evil. 
  • 67– To persistently carry on with committing venial sins.
  • 68– To laugh with an uproarious laughter without an ’udhr to do so. 
  • 69– To remain junub for such a legnth of time as will cause you to miss one of the daily prayer times. 70– To have sexual intercourse with your wife during her menstrual or lochial period.
  • 71– To make melody. To sing indecent songs. To play musical instruments. 
  • 72– Suicide, i.e. to kill oneself, is a sin graver than homicide. A suicide is subjected to torment of Hell in grave. If he does not die at once and makes tawba, all his sins will be forgiven. He will not be subjected to torment in his grave. [Validity (being sahîh) of tawba made for omitted namâzes is contingent on their having been (paid by being) made qadâ of. A person who begins to make qadâ (of namâzes which he omitted) has virtually made niyyat to perform prayers of qadâ till the end of his life. In return for this niyyat of his, all his debts of qadâ will be forgiven. Likewise, supposing an unbeliever becomes a Believer and makes tawba for having been an unbeliever or a heretic holding (a heresy called) bid’at makes tawba for having been a heretic, they have virtually made niyyat not to relapse into unbelief and heresy, respectively, and not to resume the evil deeds that they had been committing in those old days of nescience. In return for this niyyat (sincere intention) of theirs, all their sins are forgiven.]
"MIFTAH-UL-JANNA (Booklet for Way to Paradise)" / p.218
Hakikat Kitabevi